How many times within ourselves do we judge people without even knowing them. How many times do we dislike someone for no apparent reason. I hope the answer is none, for those who are reading this, but if it isn't, then what in you felt this person was so......ugh?! Is it like the lady said today? Are you jealous of that person, or did you just wake up one day and say "the first person I see I'm just not going to like them?" These types of behavior are juvenile people! Life is too short! I bet you that the individual that the female did not like, didn't even know she didn't like her. She's going on with her life, enjoying herself and this person is stuck with this person and emotion weighing her down.
I will take it a step further. Have you been the person that has been disliked by someone and you didn't know what you could have possibly done to that person to receive such a cold shoulder? Well, I have. Does it feel good? No. Do you keep going on with life? Yes. I would think "what in the world did I do to this person?" I came to the conclusion that if they haven't come to me voicing their problem with me, then the problem isn't me, then its them. People its time to live by the ever so popular motto, "Live, Laugh, Love"! For the past few months I have been trying to live by this motto. Its unfortunate that sometimes, something tragic has to happen so that we decide to change, but I digress. We have one life and its too short to live with anger, resentment, or malice. I have come to a point where I am truly loving all. Dont get me wrong, I do not go to my enemies hugging and sharing my most intimate secrets, but I do speak, acknowlege their existence, and smile. If this is not done, then you are giving them something they should never have and that's power over YOU! So go deep into yourselves and analyze are you holding any resentment? Only you can answer that, and if the answer is yes, then let it go. Until next time, Ciao for now!