Regrets, Grudges, Depression, Sorrow, Shame......All of these things exist for one reason ONLY! Its because YOU have failed to LET IT GO!
Many times we look back at our Yesterday, instead of basking in Today while looking forward to our Tomorrow. I can't count how many times in my life I have been sitting still not doing anything and all of a sudden I began to think.......and think........and think. All the while I am thinking of a time that impacted my life in a way that was not so positive. I would replay that moment over in my head over and over again. The more I replayed the incident, the more I felt my face cringe, the more I felt my head pound, the more I felt my heart race! I found myself in an emotional tug of war
I found myself MAD all over again. I even got so caught up in the "rewinding of that moment" that I would argue "I should have said this, or I should have said that, or if I had done that the outcome would have been this!" Logically I knew this was crazy but emotionally I just could not care. I was so fixated on my PAST (you catch that), that I could not see how it affected my present. At that moment, time stood still for me and I had reverted back to the person I was two or even three years ago. I was holding myself and my progression hostage by simply thinking about my past life. The word PAST simply means "No longer current; gone by; over". So why do we keep pulling it back to the forefront? Why do we keep allowing the very thing that caused so much grief to rear its ugly head again? Are we glutton for punishment? Do we simply like turmoil in our life? Can't BE! We have to learn that what was in our PAST, is just that.....the PAST. Just like when you are watching TV and you don't like what is on, you turn the channel; so lets do the same thing with our thinking process. If whatever you are thinking gives you unwanted stress, then simply change your thought process. Think on the great things you have accomplished, the people that love you, and the many people you love. I know it is easy to say and hard to do, but to truly be the best you, that you can be, we have to take the shackles off so we can be free to run after what is in store for us in our Future. Aren't you excited about life? I know I am. Until next time! Ciao for now!