There was a professor who told a joke and once he got to the punch line, the entire room burst into laughter. Two minutes later the same man tells the joke again and there were a few chuckles. One minute later the man tells the SAME joke and no one laughs but instead says, "you told this twice already, we can't keep laughing at the same joke." In turn, the professor says "True, so why do you keep crying over the SAME problem?!"
That struck a chord inside of me!!!!!! WHY DO WE DWELL, MOAN, AND CRY OVER THE SAME PROBLEM?! I can only speak for myself, but on more than one occasion I have gone through things in my life where I re-played it over again only to dig myself further into a "pity party."
As long as I can remember, I have never liked listening to the same story told more than once, I don't like reruns on television, nor do I like left over meals from the night before. As a Gemini, I get bored easily with the same routine and need to spice it up every now and then. I guess this is why it struck such a chord! I thought to myself "Why oh why do you replay tragedies in your life and cry over them as if they just happened, when you are the one who can't stand RE-RUNS of any kind!!!"
We are the first ones to tell someone to get over something, move on, and do something that would make them happy, but when it is actually time to take our own advice, we clam up and wait for the next shoe to drop (so to speak). I Peter 5:7 tells us to "cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." We can't keep re-playing tragedies in our lives hoping that we can come up with a new ending to something that has ALREADY HAPPENED!!! This is ridiculous! We should actually give it to God who welcomes all our problems, but instead we wear it like a coat. Complaining to anyone who will listen. Crying and all the while asking God to help us move on, but the whole time we refuse to let the situation go! Why?! Because a little part of us revels in the heartache because it has been with us for so long.
Love yourself enough to let go of heartache, stress, migraines, and tear soaked pillows. Love yourself enough to embrace the wrongs that have been done to you, own them, and let them go so you can hold on to something so much more desirable. Hold on to the many laughs that have occurred. Hold on to your loved ones who have been there (regardless of the situation). Hold on to the TRUE friends God has placed in your life. REPLAY the good in life. Whatever it is that makes you smile, HOLD ON TO IT!!!! For your sake, turn the channel to the Re-Runs of your life and look at something new, something bold, something GREAT! Until next time loves, Ciao for now!