Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Unexpected Growth

The greatest AHA moments that has been in my life, were the ones where I have overcome an obstacle without even knowing it!!!!! This time has been no different..........

A few months ago, I was informed of some information from someone that a couple of acquaintances of mine from a previous job had lied on me. Yeah I know what you must be thinking, "Get in line, it happens all the time." What made this different for me is that it was a lie that could potentially defame my character, and to top it off, it was during one of the most difficult times in my life. I mean who would intentionally set out to hurt someone when they were already low?! I already didn't have a warm rapport with the individuals' who the liar was talking to, so anything that was said negatively about me would surely be believable to them (even if some of it sounded farfetched).

As I pondered over the lies that had been spread I had decided that I wanted the individuals lives! Harsh, right?! By this I meant I wanted their way of providing for themselves, how they pampered themselves, etc....I WANTED THEIR JOBS!!! I figured since you brought up the "workplace" in your lie and since you went back to the job to tell others this lie, it would only be fitting that I take away what seemed to be a toxic environment for you!  Well, I started the process that very night, by calling my friend who was by-the-way over Human Resources and asked her what I could do to get the two women fired!  She laid it out step-by-step, citing that since we "sort of" worked together, I could use the excuse that because of their actions they made coming to work a "hostile work environment." 

The next morning I made an appointment to speak with the Program Manager.   I explained to him what happened and what was told to me by one of my family members.  He then said that he would do a quiet investigation to see if they had said these things to anyone at work who would be willing to admit to it.  HE DID! Later that same day he confirmed that I absolutely could cite "hostile work environment" as a reason to have them terminated.  He then told me to think it over for a few days and if I felt the same way, then he would start the process.  Well just so I didn't look like this was totally about REVENGE, I agreed to sleep on it for a few days.

As I was going home that day, I had practiced the long, insulting, word piercing things that I would say to them when I told them that it was me who had them fired!  Whoever said that Revenge is Sweet definitely knew what they were talking about, lol! Anyway, I informed my mother of my intentions and I could tell on her face that she didn't agree totally with what I was about to do.  She called me later that night to tell me that I really should just let it go, and let God handle it!.......LET IT GO?! WHAT?! Was she serious?! Okay, for everyone that knows me, they know that I am totally a Mommy/Daddy girl but she so missed it with this one.  I didn't feel like waiting on God to fix this one.  I felt like He would take entirely too long to "FIX IT" for me and besides His way was NOT my way, lol.

I had received no sleep that night for fuming!  I actually rationalized that it was okay to take away their way of providing for themselves.  I mean after all, if they didn't think about this or their children when spreading these lies, why should I right?  The next morning still reeling from the night before, I drove to work ready to give my speech when something inside reminded me of all the times I had messed up and was forgiven.  All the times I had gossiped and was covered.  I immediately got even angrier that at this time (of all times) I was growing a conscience.  Very long story short, I told the PM to forget about the process and we will all move on with our lives (it would be easy for them to do this since they were unaware of my actions because I wanted it to be a total blow to them). Except, all of us didn't move on with our lives.  I thought about it night and day.  It didn't matter what I was doing and what was going on around me, I found a way to steer my thoughts to my betrayal! 

This weekend I went shopping with my girls and one of the women came up to me to speak.  MIRACULOUSLY I didn't flinch, my stomach didn't turn, nor did I scream obscene things to her.  I just simply spoke to her with the most genuine smile on my face and nodded as she went on and on.  As she was speaking though I noticed that everything I had planned to do if I ever came in contact with them, didn't happen.  As much as I tried to muster up the anger, it just would not resonate!  Had I gotten over this? Was it even possible? Apparently so!  I reprimanded myself for TRYING to get angry.  Reminded myself who and who's I was and just simply wished her well for the holidays and left with my babies!

Sometimes things die within us without us really knowing it! Once we realize it, let's just rejoice instead of dredging up unnecessary emotions that do nothing but weigh us down!  Accept that you are growing in so many ways.  Embrace the change, welcome the new you, and expect that better is coming!  Love you all, mean it! Ciao for now!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I lost you!  I don't know when or where, but I just know one day I turned around and you were gone.  Was it something I said? Something I did?  I never thought you would leave but like magic, *POOF* you were gone.  Oh how I miss you so!  You were always there for me when I needed you.  Just when I felt like giving up, I was reminded of why I pressed on in the first place.  My friends all said that you were the best part of me.  With you I had a glow about myself. A drive even, to be do better! But then you left.  I don't know when or where, but I just know I turned around and you were gone.

You left at the most critical time in my life!  I needed you oh so badly but you weren't there.  I was so angry with you!  How could you desert me like this with no warning at all.  How selfish could you be, that my interest was of no concern in your decision to leave.  How am I to go on without you?! How do I survive without you?! The more time has come and gone, I have watched myself become a bitter, resentful, confused, shell of my former self all because you left!!!!!!!!! It is all your fault!!!

If I must be honest, you didn't willingly leave me!  I gave up on you! I turned my back on you.  I disregarded your place in my life and made you feel like nothing more than an accessory.  Though you turned the knob, I pushed you to the door.  You were just "arm candy" I carried around, because everyone complimented me on how good I looked with you!  Vain I know, but I loved that people noticed me with you.  You truly mattered  but I gave up on us.  I turned "we" into "me."  Never giving you credit in my success!  I think I know when you could have possibly left!!!! I think the last incident was the "straw that broke the camels back" for us huh?!  Blow after blow, I would take because I knew you had my back! You would never leave me right?!  You were gone! 

This month is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month."  Everyone keeps saying your name during this time.  Giving you the recognition, and praise you deserve.  Everyone but me, that is!  You left me, so I refuse to say your name or make you relevent even in this time!!! YOU LEFT ME REMEMBER!!!! People notice that we are no longer together, you know?  I wonder what I must look like to them now that you're gone. Putting pride aside for a moment......How do I get you back? Would you be willing to come back even?!  Not for people's sake, but for my own. I must admit, life has been miserable without you.  I long for you, I ache for you.

FIGHT!!!!!!!!!PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!  I have been hit so many times lately and I have done was take the blows, one by one.  Allowing them to knock me to the ground, because I didn't have any FIGHT left in were gone!  I'm so tired of crawling up in a ball trying to protect my head (mind), and chest (heart) from the blows thats being thrown my way.  I fear that if you don't come back, I will die.  I don't know how many more blows I can survive.

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“The Lord is my strength and my shield …” Psalm 28:7

Welcome home old friend!  I've missed you.  Oh but I realized you weren't gone at all!  Just buried under so much, devastation, hurt, and brokenness that I just couldn't see you! Now that I have been reminded of our worth TOGETHER, I promise never to let you go again.  After-all, you are the best part of me!  No matter what circumstance or situation comes my way from here on out, I promise to FIGHT with everything I have in me!!!! No longer will I let the stares of others, side conversations or tragedy throw blows at me and I just stand there!!!! I'm training everyday (reading the word) so when the adversary does come, I am prepared!  Yes I will Fight!!! Not like a little girl, but like a WOMAN!!!! You are here to stay!