Last night, a great friend and I were talking about
the things that God has shown her regarding the plan He has for her, and oh
what a wonderful plan it is! I listened
to her excitement regarding the future, at the same time I heard her
discontentment about the present. She
expressed that she was “over” her current situation and just wanted to
fast-forward into her new chapter already.
As she was speaking I couldn't help but remember how I once was during
certain transitions in my own life.
I can remember when I decided to purchase my first
car. I would look at different models
and the specs of the car. I would look
at different colors and imagine myself stepping out of it! The more I narrowed down the choices, the
more anxious I would become about finally signing the papers for purchase. At the same time I would cringe every time I
looked at the car that my parents had given me.
Each time I got into it I would find something else wrong about it: The color, how it started up, how long it
took to warm up, the seats, etc… Never
did I look at my car and see that it got me from point A to point B without
fail; Never did I consider that it was a totally paid off car that served me
well for 5 years without any serious issues!
I could name countless times where I discounted where I was in life
because I was so ready to get to the next level. I’m sure many of us can relate to this!
I began to speak to my friend and remind her that
she was doing exactly what I had done so many times before: failed to embrace
“the now!” Many times in life, God
speaks to us and shows us exactly where He is taking us in life. We see our end result and become so elated
that instead of looking at what God has shown us as encouragement to hold on to
His promise, we immediately get in an anxious mode and feel like it’s to happen
now and start looking at where we are in a negative light, instead of embracing
this place we’re in all while having the right attitude! While being in our “now season,” we never
take this time to prepare for what’s to come!
Let me explain…..
God is all about timing and making sure that you are
ready for what He has in store for you; as we should be as well. Because God does not operate in mess, I feel
another reason He shows us where He is taking us, is to give us the time to
work on a few things we may need to within ourselves. While
waiting for the perfect car, and the right time, I could have prepared for this
new chapter in my life. I could have
found out what my monthly payments would have been and started saving that amount
each month to increase my down payment or prepare for the increase in the
insurance plan that I would have with the new car. I DEFINITELY could have taken this time to
change my mindset regarding keeping the old one clean so this mindset would
have carried on to the new car (I FAILED BY THE WAY). As I have matured, I have definitely learned
to embrace my “now” until my “next” comes!
God has spoken to me on several occasions: directly
and through others. RESTORATION has been
the word that He continues to drop in my spirit. He has told me to prepare myself for a new
relationship? WHOA! HEAVY STUFF,
right?! Well of course I do not expect
this to happen any time soon, nor would I dream of rushing the process. What I have done is embrace where I am now,
while working on this thing called “ME.”
I first started by thanking God for the new chapter that is to be my
life while still embracing the chapter I am currently in. I also talked to my inner circle about the
characteristics they felt I could work on.
I listened to each and every person very intently and noticed that they all came to
the same consensus regarding my flaws. (NOTE:
Make sure you have loving people in your life willing to tell you the
absolute truth. Also make sure you are
in a position to receive what they have to say).
I also prepare myself, by cooking! I know this may sound weird to some, but this is something that I have done little of in the past year. Cooking has
now become a part of my regime. Lastly,
I have been obedient to the instructions that God has given me, so when I pray
each morning and night for my loved ones, I too pray for him (whoever he may
be) and his well-being.
Never do I question Gods instructions, or look at
every man I pass wondering if he is the one.
I don’t rush the process (though several of my friends definitely
try to). I just continue to live my life as
I have: being thankful for where He has taken me thus far; continue to be the
best mother I can possibly be; continue to learn more about my Savior since He
knows all about me! Embrace where you
are and never despise it just because it looks small compared to where you are
going (Zechariah 4:10). Just remember
that no matter where you currently are, God has a plan of a brighter future
ahead (Jeremiah 29:11). Know that God
loves you and so do I. Until next time,
Ciao for now!