Hello Beautiful People! Oh how I’ve missed you. I have tried countless times to write a blog in the past few weeks, but every one that I’ve tried to publish, just did not feel right! By now I’m sure you guys have come to know that I love “AHA Moments!” I absolutely love going through everyday life, and finding the most profound things out of the most simple situations! Friday was no different.
After work I ran a few errands. Time had gone by so, that I decided to pick something up before going home. Since I was in Fayetteville, I had decided that I wanted a little Mexican food, so I went to Mi Casitas. To cut down on time, I started planning exactly what I wanted to eat on the way to the restaurant. I decided on a Fajita Trio Quesadilla (Shrimp, Chicken, & Steak), a side of sour cream (extra $), a large salsa (extra $), and a large cheese dip (extra $) (these details will be made clear in a moment). I know I sound a little greedy but I wanted this so badly, that neither the quantity nor the additional cost I would accrue, mattered.
I walked into the restaurant, and as I walked towards the
order area, I locked eyes with a gentleman who was cashing out his bill. He turned and asked if I was picking up an
order, and I stated to him that I was about to place one. At that moment, he smiled and told me, “Well
pick anything you would like on the menu, and I will pay for it! Go on, get whatever you want!” I was so
grateful that I began to place my order, but since it wasn’t coming out of my
pocket, I decided to scale it back considerably. So I ordered a Chicken and
Shrimp Fajita Quesadilla and nothing more.
The gentleman paid for the food, I thanked him, and he left. I was taken aback by this kind gesture! So much so, that I asked the cashier if this
man had paid for anyone else. He had
not! I was the only one! As I was driving home I thought about what
just happened and began to get a little giddy.
I could not believe my fortune! That’s
when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and remind me of a few things:
For as long as I have had finances of my own, I have always
been a giver. On many occasions I have
paid for others’ food in restaurants and in drive thru’s. Because I did not want it to seem as if I was
giving for show, I would make sure that I left before they knew who had paid. I definitely believe in Matthew 6:3-4 (Giving
in secret and God rewarding you openly).
It was then driving home I
realized that my harvest was finally being produced. So my first “AHA Moment” was simple: If you sow, then you will definitely
reap. Not always when you want it, but
nevertheless it will come! So don’t be
weary in well doing, because a harvest is just beyond the horizon (Galatians
6:9). God spoke and told me that I was
in my harvest season, but too bad I didn’t allow it to come into full fruition…….
As I was nearing I-95, I started getting a little hungry and
wished I had gotten the cheese dip and nachos!
“Why oh why hadn’t I ordered the dip,” I thought to myself. I didn’t want to be greedy, nor seem like I
was taking advantage of such a considerate offer. That’s when “AHA Moment” #2 hit me! This man, not knowing if I was ordering for just
myself or an entire family was telling me to get WHATEVER I WANTED! I could have done just that if I had just
opened my mouth and spoke my true desires! What I was going to order didn’t matter to
him, so why did it bother me? Now I was
on my way home to eat a fajita without sour cream or salsa (which I wanted)
because I didn’t want to seem like an opportunist! That’s when it hit me! We as children of God have been allotted this
same opportunity by our Father, but forgetting who and who’s we are, we don’t truly
ask what we will.
How many times have we thought of our dream home of 5
bedrooms and 5 baths, but when we stood in prayer, we asked for what we felt
like would be a more attainable home of 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths?! Why
did we feel the need to digress in our visions? Is it because we feel like we
are being too greedy (like I felt Friday), or is it that we don’t feel like our
desires are realistic enough? Whatever
the reason there is one universal answer…..simply put we don’t feel as if we
are deserving enough to have it! John
15:7(KJV) states, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask
what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
God has given us the green light to ask anything we want of Him, and
because He loves us so much and wants us to be happy, He is more than willing
to give it to us. So why then do we
limit Him in His giving?
What happens is we look at ourselves and our past
indiscretions and our faith to receive it is not built up to par, and begin to
think that we have no right to ask these things when actuality we have every
right! When you are a part of a royal
priesthood, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, you have the right to ask your
Father anything you want. Because He is
Jehovah-Jireh (a God that will provide), and El-Shaddai (the
almighty potentate, the source of all blessings, the God who is more than
enough) we should not hesitate in telling Him exactly what we desire as His
children! We forget who our Father is
and instead of walking in authority and boldness, we scale back our request to
someone who has told us in no uncertain terms to get whatever we would
like. All we have to do is take the
limits off of ourselves and open our mouth to speak what we want, then finally
open our arms to receive.
In a couple of weeks I will be 35, and in
all of my years, I cannot think of one time where I scaled back on any of the
request that I have had of my biological father. Matter-of-fact I have added last minute items
onto my request because I felt confident that he would provide it all without
hesitation. I did not feel like I was
using him, nor did I question how he would deliver (in which he delivered 100%
of the time). For some reason though, I
have dialed it back when making my request known to the Father of all
Fathers! I was saddened by my actions on that night, so
I called both of my parents and my sisters to tell them of my mediocre blessing
and my revelation!