I went to the movies with my amazing mother and younger sister this afternoon to see the movie "War Room." It was a great movie that centered around praying to our Heavenly Father and truly surrendering all to Him. If you haven't checked it out, please do so. Without giving away too much of the movie, it involved an older lady devout in her prayer life, teaching a younger lady going through her trials to fight in the spiritual instead of the natural. As I looked at the movie I replaced the two female characters with my mother and myself. As long as I could remember my mother has always had an awesome prayer life and has always encouraged us to do so as well. She has awaken each morning (along with another minister of the church) and has diligently and fervently prayed to our Heavenly Father. Because of this, I think in the past my sister's and I relied on her to make our request known unto God instead of us doing it ourselves. My mother would always tell us not to wait until we were in a storm to decide to start praying; though God would still answer, it would feel familiar and we would know exactly what to do instead of trying everything else and then trying Him. It's almost like training for a marathon. Not saying that its impossible to wake up and run a full marathon without training, but if we do condition ourselves before the race, we will finish with ease and in a timely manner! So when my mother experienced her own storm a week ago, she knew exactly what to do...
A couple of weeks ago my mother was admitted into the hospital. She was there for a several days, but in that short time she gave special instructions to my sister and I to bring her ipad (to use the bible app), portable dvd/cd player (to listen to audio sermons), and KFC chicken (she was hungry, don't judge her {smile}). My mother knew exactly what to do, because she had been doing it all along. Each morning I would call as I always do to check on her, and each morning I would be in awe of this mighty woman of God. She would answer the phone full of zest and surety and refreshed from her time with God! I told my friends how strong she was and how unbothered she seemed to be through this entire process. I'm sure that it had nothing to do with the meds she was on, but EVERYTHING to do with Mark 11:24...."24. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." My mother had a sense of peace about her through her trial because when she did pray, she truly surrendered all to God. Her resolve has always been the same: "I don't have time to worry about something that I've already given to God." This is the same quote that made me create my own prayer life with God.
When tragedy hit my home, I remember sitting in my room alone crying for the millionth time trying to figure out what I could do to stop this reoccurring moment each night! I was already doing yoga, so I decided to research the prices for kick-boxing class, when all of a sudden it hit me: why was I spending all of this money for temporary relief, when I could get permanent rest for free?! It was at that moment all of my parent's teachings seemed to come back to me. It was at that time that I truly connected with "The Great I Am!" I must admit that it was "touch and go" for a while, but the more I prayed the more it just began to flow! Finally, I knew what peace truly felt like! Now when trials try to rise up in my life, my first reaction isn't to call my parents and give them the run down so they can pray for me; nor is it to research different remedies online. It is to fight spiritually because through this I always WIN! So when I pray, I don't worry about the outcome, nor do I replay the instance over in my mind. It's settled! James 5:16 states, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Know that whatever trial may come, one thing I will never forget to do from here on out is pray! Until next time, Ciao for now!