Recently I just wrote this entry for a magazine issue. I thought it fitting to share with you guys today! Enjoy:

Anytime I
hear the words “transformation” or “metamorphosis” I always think of the
infamous caterpillar; the beady eyed (six to be exact), multiple legged,
slithering caterpillar. I’ve never liked
looking at them because they were not the most appealing specimen to look upon. I can remember one summer when I was about 10
years old, my parent’s roof being COMPLETELY covered with caterpillars. It was as if we were plagued with the small
creatures! You could not go in or out of the house without having one (or five)
fall on you. I’m sure you can imagine
how frustrating that could be for a young child. Then, I could only see what was right in
front of my face. Nothing inside of me
said that inside this long, wrinkly insect, was a beautiful, graceful, soaring
butterfly waiting to transform. The
truth is, everything that we are transforming into is already inside of
us. We just have to look beyond the NOW
and see the END!
For each
child that is born, lies within it, the adult that is to come. Sure we have to go through the long process
of becoming (puberty, life-lessons, and character building), but nevertheless
there is a grown man/woman that is waiting to evolve and make a mark on this
beautiful world. This goes for every
step of our lives. No matter what it is,
we have to have a mindset of the end result!
You can’t look at where you are and be so discouraged about the process
that is to come that you forget that it is the path to get you to your
destiny! I would like to think that as
the caterpillar slithers on its belly through dust and gravel that it’s not
deterred, for as it crawls, it sees itself already flying from flower to
flower! I would like to think that the fact that it will have to be in a tight,
uncomfortable cocoon for weeks (even months depending on the larvae) is not
enough to deter it from the vision at hand: THE BUTTERFLY!
problem with some of us today is the process feel so long and tedious that we
FORGET that we were promised this great success. When I think back on the many prophecies
given to the people in the Bible, they were always told what was to be, but
never the process they would go through to get there! David knew he was to be king, but he did not
know that he was going to have to literally run for his life to get there;
Joseph knew that his brothers were to bow down before him but it was never told
to him that he would spend years in a pit before it was to come into fruition;
and our dear sweet Mary was told that the child she was to conceive was going
to be the King over all kings and that his reign would be forever more, but
never did she know that she would have to run in the middle of the night to
keep from being stoned, or watch her child be beat within an inch of his life
for Him to be the Savior of the World!!! Why was this not divulged to any of
them? It’s quite simple actually….. 1.
God only tells us the Beginning and The End of a thing because that’s
who He is (Alpha & Omega) and 2. BECAUSE,
We get
caught up with the many obstacles thrown at us that we become distracted from
the reality that what we are striving to become (pastors, writers, financial
advisors, etc), is already in us, and we are in our “cocoon” period; also the
enemy is using this process to keep us from speaking and envisioning what we
desire to physically see! Our mind has
to be so set on the end result that we have to have tunnel vision! Put blinders up around you, so that the
distraction of the process will not distract you from a victorious end!!!
Continue to see the greatness inside of you and speak with surety and boldness
what you desire to see! Your destiny
depends on it! Until Next Time, Ciao for now!