Hello Loved One's ! It has been a while and I thought to myself....."Kenyetta you have not written anything in a minute and you should!" Well I was all prepared to write to you on different topics but something happened this week that made me think of a Note that I had written a year ago on Face Book! I had to go back and read that note to remind myself who I am and WHO'S I AM! So I hope this touches someone as it re-touched me. Love you all!
A marionette is a puppet CONTROLLED from above using wires or strings. A marionette's puppeteer is called a MANIPULATOR. With that being said (or typed, lol) lets stop allowing people to control us (when we are happy sad or angry). No one deserves that power. Have you ever been in a place and was all smiles until you saw someone come in that you had a problem with and then you went to all frowns........Manipulator controlling those strings hon! I will take it a step further and say that the person wasn't even in the room...you just heard there name and got enraged. Now that person really had mega Power! So many times we tend to forget that God has given us dominion over all things in our lives and we keep quiet instead of speaking life to a situation. Lets not lose ourselves, no matter how pressing a situation is. I have learned in the last two months that babe "its just not that serious." So many times I have allowed someones presence or memory of something they did to me, ruin my day! I would think so much about it, that I would literally make myself physically sick! No longer! Too much power!!!!!!!!! Decided it was time to cut those strings and act like Pinocchio and say "I'm alive! I'm human....no wooden dummy here." Lets not be anyone's wooden dummy! You have a heart that beats strong! Lets use it to LOVE unconditionally, LIVE life to the fullest and LAUGH at all the wonderful times!!!!!! Not professing perfection (FFFFAAARRRR from perfect, just ask my sisters lol), just as I continue to read and study the word (and talk to my mom), I vow to "try something different" until it becomes second nature! Love you All, and I feel your love back! Until next time........Ciao for now! {kisses and hugs}

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