Encounter Number One: I was sitting with a friend of mine shooting the breeze when she told me about a situation that had occurred the day before. She said that she was about to leave a store when a gentleman stopped her and asked if he could "bum a cigarette." Well my friend looked at him (as I imagine, very questionable) and asked what made him think that she had cigarettes or even smoked for that matter. He replied, "Come on ma'am! I know you smoke because your lips are dark. Two people I know are smokers and drug addicts." Well my friend was taken aback by the comment. So much so that she quietly handed him a cigarette and walked away.
Encounter Number Two: I was standing in a checkout line the day before Thanksgiving that was moving fairly slowly, when I decided to past the time by scanning the crowd. My eyes roamed from left to right until it fixated on this one particular gentleman. He was an older man that was dressed fairly nice, but that is not why he caught my attention. Though he was groomed really well and his hair was cut very nice, his face was very tired looking. The lines around his eyes and mouth were very deep and very noticeable. His skin was dry and blotchy looking. I thought to myself "Dang he would be a really nice pick for some older lady if he would just put the bottle down. Alcoholism is so sad." I continued scanning the room, until finally it was my turn to check out. Once done, I walked to the parking lot, where I seen the same gentleman talking to one of my co-workers. I waved, wished them a Happy Thanksgiving, and moved on. Last week, I was speaking with said coworker about randomness when I remembered the gentleman I had seen that day and decided to ask about him (I can be nosey at times). My co-worker said a lot of things about the gentleman but what stuck out is how proud he was of him for being MORE THAN A YEAR SOBER NOW! I actually checked out of the conversation and began having one with myself. I once again had to remind myself that just because a situation looks a certain way, that doesn't mean that it is that way. TRANSLATION: Don't be so quick to judge (a lesson we all repeat every now and then). I had sworn to myself that this man was still an alcoholic. I mean it was evident by his looks, right?! WRONG!
I share these two situations for this reason here: Each time we encounter a situation we never know what scar or residue is left behind. Whether its a skinned knee or a broken heart, during the healing process the wound could heal perfectly without a trace or blemish to show that we were ever hurt, or it could leave scar tissue that not only we can see, but others as well. I started thinking about this as I meditated that night and quickly looked at a scar on my leg from 21 years ago. Sure it was healed and no longer hurt but the scar is there as a reminder of that day. I'm often asked about it when I am not wearing pants because it is very noticeable. I quickly stood up and went to the mirror looking at other scars I had, and started time-lining them throughout my life. Remembering this, and cringing about that until a thought hit me.........Was my internal scars visible as well?! Was the last two years of my life visible to the outside world? Plainly put, did I look like what I had been through? Could people look in my eyes and see tragedy, hurt, sleepless nights, and wet pillow cases? Could they see the rage that was bottled up in side so much so, that I would pray for someone just to start an argument with me so I could exert this energy onto someone else? Though I was healed finally, was there residue that would suggest to others that I wasn't?
I remembered a story in the bible (Luke 17:11-19) where there were 10 lepers referenced. In the bible, the priest would banish lepers from the rest of the citizens because they had a contagious disease that would damage the skin, limbs, and eyes. As Jesus passed by this area, the lepers pleaded for Him to help them. Well of course our Savior had mercy and healed them. He instructed them to go to the priest so they could be checked out; they were found to be clean. Once this was done 9 went on their way, while 1 returned to say thank you. Because of this gesture, Jesus made him completely whole. This meant that there were no signs of him ever having leprosy! He was free to put the past behind him without having to be questioned every time he walked out of his home. The others, though clean, still had the scars left from the leprosy. Meaning that they were probably left with scrutiny from others. Always having to explain certain disfigurements which always had them proving to others that they were "clean" by being checked frequently by the priest.
I have seen people throughout my life, deemed as mean, hateful, and unapproachable by others. Maybe they were, or maybe it was their scar/open wounds showing from a catastrophic injury. Sometimes we judge people (as I did) on a look and make it their current reality, instead of a past occurrence. Though it may not be right, it's understandable how this could happen. This is why chemist has made a fortune on bleaching creams and ointments because people would rather not be reminded of a surgery, or a bad fall. They would like to look in that area and see wholeness. As if it never happened. I myself have used oils on my scars to lighten them. But what about the internal ones that seems to bore through to the surface. What cream is used to cover up those? Time? Maybe. But as you and I both know, time is unforgiving and waits for no one. Besides we are too impatient. Let's take a page out of the leper's book! Go to God and ask for his help, reverence Him! You will feel and see the change happen. Thank HIM and forge a closer, more intimate relationship with Him and OTHERS will see it too! Just know that you don't have to look like what you have been through! Until Next Time....Ciao for now!

Good read... I remember my very first conversation with you. I told you all my personal business and I didn't know you from a can of paint. Abd you didnt judge me. I trustsd you and I thank you for your encouraging words.
ReplyDeleteMy RiRi!!!! I still remember our first encounter too! I knew then that you were someone I wanted to know! Thanks so much for your support it means the world to me! Love you so much!
DeleteAwesome insight! Truly thankful God's image of me is blemish free. I appreciate your words of affirmation. No we don't look like what we have been through. Timely for me. Love you
ReplyDeleteMyra! I am so honored that you liked the post! Just trying to finally get out of my comfort zone and little by little push myself into my full potential. Thank you so much for your unconditional love and support. You truly are an awesome person with an amazing insight! Love you chica!