Not too long ago a situation happened where my circle and I were enjoying each other’s company. So much so that we decided to spread joy with others via social media. We were met with so many positive comments and praises. Others too started captioning their day with their circle as well. It was a great day. The very next day we were met with a single critique that wasn’t positive, or helpful either (sometimes you will get a critique that though it doesn’t feel good to the ears, it is for the up building of you and your future but this wasn’t it). Immediately some in our circle thought that we should remove the video from social media all because of this one comment. At that moment I had to take in consideration the circles feelings about the video but also the reasoning behind their feelings. Was this a hindsight moment or was this all because one person did not like it?
Have you ever gotten dressed and felt really good about your appearance? Not only did you like how you looked that day, but you were told all day by dozens of people that you looked AMAZING! They loved the color of the ensemble and the fit of it as well. You stepped high up until one person, JUST ONE, says to you “ok now you better pull back from the table, because that shirt is looking a little snug.’ IMMEDIATELY every compliment you heard that day became a distant memory. Though the other critiques were so positive, you find yourself checking your body image in the mirror and eating only half of your lunch because you have put yourself on an instant diet. This is something that we allow to happen far too often in our lives. We allow the negative words of others feed into us so much more than the positive. This is THE SCARY POWER OF NEGATIVE WORDS!!!
Have you ever looked at someone and gave an OPINION about something that (1) You weren’t asked about and (2) Did not uplift or help the outcome of the situation at hand? Let me help you out. The answer is YES! We all have at one point or another. Never was our intentions to deflate the person, but ask yourself, “How many times have my words been the cause of someone’s negative critique of themselves?” Let’s stop empowering others with our negative words and uplift them with our positive ones. As I stated before, not all critiques feel good, but make sure its coming from a place to help one grow. Before you decide to give your opinion or before you decide to accept the opinion of others, ask yourself what is the intent behind it.......UNTIL NEXT TIME! Ciao for now!
Have you ever gotten dressed and felt really good about your appearance? Not only did you like how you looked that day, but you were told all day by dozens of people that you looked AMAZING! They loved the color of the ensemble and the fit of it as well. You stepped high up until one person, JUST ONE, says to you “ok now you better pull back from the table, because that shirt is looking a little snug.’ IMMEDIATELY every compliment you heard that day became a distant memory. Though the other critiques were so positive, you find yourself checking your body image in the mirror and eating only half of your lunch because you have put yourself on an instant diet. This is something that we allow to happen far too often in our lives. We allow the negative words of others feed into us so much more than the positive. This is THE SCARY POWER OF NEGATIVE WORDS!!!
Have you ever looked at someone and gave an OPINION about something that (1) You weren’t asked about and (2) Did not uplift or help the outcome of the situation at hand? Let me help you out. The answer is YES! We all have at one point or another. Never was our intentions to deflate the person, but ask yourself, “How many times have my words been the cause of someone’s negative critique of themselves?” Let’s stop empowering others with our negative words and uplift them with our positive ones. As I stated before, not all critiques feel good, but make sure its coming from a place to help one grow. Before you decide to give your opinion or before you decide to accept the opinion of others, ask yourself what is the intent behind it.......UNTIL NEXT TIME! Ciao for now!

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